Would you like to embark on an eventful journey with promising opportunities? Our goal is to utilise the potential of our employees to the full, in alignment with their personal requirements. In addition to internal talent management, we also offer a wide range of training opportunities. The ability to act independently is essential in our operations, and ideas are always welcome.
Ermässigte Raten bei Partnerbetrieben
discounts in our own outlets
training and further education
special family & friends rates
language courses
working from home
talent management & competitions
staff rooms or apartments
employee sports
team get-together
own uniform including dry-cleaning in-house
workplace health promotion
occasional four-day week without part-time duty
employee summer party with families
days off for volunteer work
Dolder Hotel AG is looking for committed employees who are willing to use their motivation and personality to help shape the success and future of our company and enable our guests to have great experiences. Are you looking for a highly dynamic and stimulating work environment? If so, we look forward to receiving your application.
Vacancies are not always advertised immediately. If you are nonetheless interested in applying, we will need a brief outline of your motivation as well as your CV for an initial assessment. We look forward to receiving your enquiry.
Our dedicated vocational trainers mentor our young employees to create a solid foundation for the highly qualified professionals of the future. We also want and encourage participation in competitions, offer project collaboration and ensure cross-departmental and cross-hierarchical exchanges. Besides providing vocational skills, we also share our passion for the profession.
Dolder Hotel AG offers students at Swiss and selected foreign hospitality management schools work placements in the following areas:
The minimum duration for a work placement is six months.
HR Development Coordinator
We offer interesting management trainee programmes in the following areas:
Prerequisites include:
The minimum duration for a Management Trainee Programme (MTP) is one year and can be extended to a maximum of one and a half years.
Dolder Hotel AG
Kurhausstrasse 65
8032 Zürich